
physiological condition中文是什么意思

  • 生理情况



  • 例句与用法
  • The group of enzymes capable of degrading collagen under physiological conditions are the collagenases .
  • With the rapid development of city expanding and renewing , the physiological condition of residential area has been notably elevated
  • Rapid healing of the fracture in most patients suggests that the early resumption of nearly normal physiological conditions in the limb is favorable to timely and uninterrupted osteogenesis
  • Article 105 an examination may be conducted of the person of the victim or criminal suspect in order to ascertain some of his characteristics or physiological condition , or the circumstances of the injury
  • These glycosaminoglycan ( gag ) chains are long , linear carbohydrate polymers that are negatively charged under physiological conditions , due to the occurrence of sulphate and uronic acid groups
    这些粘多糖( gag )链是长条线状的碳水化合物聚合体,在正常生环境下,由于硫酸根和糖醛酸根的存在而处于负电位。
  • Interaction with doc - 1r and cdk2 proteins under physiological condition using cotransfection , coimmunoprecipitation and western blotting , we have transfected the plasmids into 293 cells according to following combination : pc
    分别将正、反义小鼠doc一ir重组体命名为pedna3一doc一ir +和pedna3一doc一ir一。
  • Hubei province to investigate the effects of several water and nitrogen management patterns on eco - physiological conditions , yield , water use efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency in paddy rice
  • The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses , but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and precipitate such illnesses
  • One cardiac cycle is divided into 50 parts in the transient analysis to accurately simulate the continuous pulsatile blood flow in the coronary artery , the hemodynamic parameters of the atherosclerotic and the controlled models at each of the 50 moments were computed in accordance with the physiological condition
  • Jaundice is a common physiological condition in newborns , which appears on the third day after birth as visible yellowing of the skin & the white of the eyes . it is caused by increased levels of yellow pigments ( bilirubin ) in the blood , as a result of normal breakdown of old red blood cells
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  • 英文解释
  • 百科解释
Physiological condition or, more often "physiological conditions" is a term used in biology, biochemistry, and medicine. It refers to conditions of the external or internal milieu that may occur in nature for that organism or cell system, in contrast to artificial laboratory conditions.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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